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Dans le sud de la France, la ville de Nice est la première à s’être dotée d’une organisation transversale intégrant un centre de pilotage urbain et un Centre d’Excellence smart city. Ce modèle se décline principalement dans 4 domaines d’application : le management des risques, l’environnement, la mobilité intelligente et l’énergie.

1st autonomous mini-cars race powered by AI and 5G

Axionable and Claridion work together to realize the AxioNaut5G project in Montreal, the 1st autonomous mini-cars race powered by AI and 5G


Axionaut is an advanced AI project centered around an autonomous mini-car. The Axionaut is powered by an advanced neural network developed by our partner Axionable and the open source community. This project has an educational objective on several levels:


  • Understand the challenges of controlling autonomous vehicles

  • Perceive the complexity of Artificial Intelligence algorithms in this field

  • Train the next generation and develop the scientific interest in a field of intelligent transportation

  • Forming and mobilizing a community around an inclusive scientific project

With the support ENCQOR5G , CENTECH, PROMPT and AIoT Canada


Aspen Technology Acquires Mnubo and Sabisu to Deliver Scalable AI-Driven Solutions for the Smart Enterprise.

Acquisitions Enable Both the Deployment of AI-powered Applications and Visualization of Information and Analytics at Enterprise Scale.


Securing the IoT EDGE


An alarming majority of these [EDGE] devices remain inherently insecure — they can’t even be updated or patched, which is why they have become a preferred target by cybercriminals for things like ransomware, cryptomining, distributed denial-of-service attacks and the delivery of malicious payloads.

e-buddy, un système de détection des chutes associé à la domotique

Après une chute, les personnes âgées ou souffrant d’épilepsie restent parfois des heures sur le sol avant que les secours n’arrivent. L’e-buddy résoud ce problème.

Excelling in the age of information abundance

The executive director with the IoT Talent Consortium shares his thoughts on the evolving considerations of data use, knowledge-sharing and making the impossible possible. 


Data can be one of an organization's most valuable assets, but only if and when that organization understands how to extract the value from it. Data without analysis can provide no insights and, as such, is useless. 

Internet of Things (IoT): Cheat sheet

The Internet of Things, which is commonly called IoT, refers to the billions of devices around the world that are connected to the internet through sensors or Wi-Fi. It's basically a giant network of objects that connect to the internet. Each device collects data, and this data, known collectively as big data, is exchanged and analyzed.

5 Ways IoT Is Reinventing Businesses Today

Leveraging IoT has evolved from a connectivity strategy to a business transformation strategy, and has proven results, including increased profitability. More than seven in 10 executives credit IoT with delivering increased revenue. 


Continuous data acquisition is what makes connected devices so valuable. By analyzing sensor data, companies can identify bottlenecks in supply chains, predict equipment failure, successfully address overstaffing issues and optimize operational costs.

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